First of all

Do you listen to music?


You are:
How old are you? :
You are:
You live:
What is your sexual orientation?

What is your marital status:

Music in general

Regarding music, you:
How often do you listen to music?

At what times:

What type of music do you listen to:

Do you play a musical instrument:
By what means do you listen to music?

Do you own any of these items:

How often do you go to concerts:
How often do you go to the opera:
Have you ever participated in musical events such as festivals, karaoke nights, or music competitions:

Educational Background

You are :

What is your highest level of diploma:

What type of establishment did you primarily attend for your studies:

Do you have formal music education at school, college, high school, or university:
In what setting did you study music:

Do you think your music education at school has influenced your appreciation of music afterwards:
Do you think music classes should be mandatory in the school curriculum:

Socio-Professional Background

What level of diploma do you hold:

Your current level of professional experience:
You live :