Identity invisible You are: A male A female Others Prefer not to answer invisible How old are you? : invisible You are: Born in France Born abroad Born abroad (outside European continent) invisible You live: In France Abroad Abroad (outside European continent) Prefer not to answer invisible What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Pansexual Prefer not to answer Others invisible What is your marital status: In a relationship Single Married Divorced Widowed
Music in general invisible Regarding music, you: - Listen to music very often Listen to music rather often Listen to music rather rarely Listen to music very rarely Invisible How often do you listen to music? Every day On weekends Randomly I don't know On certain occasions Invisible At what times: In the morning In the evening All day invisible What type of music do you listen to: Pop Rap Pop music Rock Jazz Hip-hop Classical Funk Others invisible Do you play a musical instrument: Yes No Prefer not to answer invisible By what means do you listen to music? Streaming platform (Spotify, Deezer etc...) Radio Television Youtube Others invisible Do you own any of these items: Instruments Vinyl Audio Walkman Car Stereo Others invisible How often do you go to concerts: - Very frequently Rather frequently Rather rarely Very rarely Never invisible How often do you go to the opera: - Very frequently Rather frequently Rather rarely Very rarely Never invisible Have you ever participated in musical events such as festivals, karaoke nights, or music competitions: - Yes, very frequently Yes, rather frequently Yes, rather rarely Yes, very rarely No, never
Educational Background invisible You are : Salaried Employer Unemployed Student Prefer not to answer Other invisible What is your highest level of diploma: Certificate level Vocational Diploma High School Diploma Undergraduate (2 years Undergraduate (3 years) Undergraduate (4 years) Undergraduate (5 years) PhD Others invisible What type of establishment did you primarily attend for your studies: In public In private Prefer not to answer Other invisible Do you have formal music education at school, college, high school, or university: - Yes, very frequently Yes, rather frequently Yes, rather rarely Yes, very rarely No, never invisible In what setting did you study music: Music courses Choir Orchestra Others invisible Do you think your music education at school has influenced your appreciation of music afterwards: - Very likely Quite likely Somewhat likely Not likely at all invisible Do you think music classes should be mandatory in the school curriculum: - Very likely Quite likely Somewhat likely Not likely at all
Socio-Professional Background invisible What level of diploma do you hold: Services (administration, commerce, tourism, etc...) Industry (manufacturing, production, construction, etc...) Health and social services Education Technology and computer science Finance and banking Art and culture Other invisible Your current level of professional experience: - Beginner (- 2 years of experience) Intermediate (2 - 5 years of experience) Advanced (+ 5 years of experience) Expert (+ 10 years of experience) invisible You live : In the city In campaign Prefer not to answer Others invisible